IFS is an international company in the field of sports development and project management for the planning, construction and operation of sports and entertainment facilities.
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) [owner] => Array ( [id] => 381 [tstamp] => 1601035806 [att_id] => 19 [item_id] => 28 [langcode] => en [value] => GPYW ) [introduction] => ) [alias] => king-abdullah-sports-city [name] => KING ABDULLAH SPORTS CITY [location] => JEDDAH, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA [client] => IMG (SAUDI ARAMCO) [tenant] => AL AHLI FC & AL ITTIHAD FC [capacity] => 60,000 [time] => 3 YEARS/2013 (PHASE 1) [cost] => ./. [scope] => FEASIBILITY/DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION [website] => Coming soon [description] =>Market assessment and sports development concept for a sports cluster in Jeddah. Included development of an operations concept and specialist consultancy for the construction company and architect. Scope of work also involved specialist advice during the tender process. Sports cluster encompasses a soccer stadium (60,000), indoor arena (15,000), indoor swimming pool (2500), golf course, equestrian center, water sports center, recreation center, elite performance center and sports complex for women.
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) [owner] => Array ( [id] => 402 [tstamp] => 1601035806 [att_id] => 19 [item_id] => 26 [langcode] => en [value] => RIO DE JANEIRO OLYMPIC ORGANISING COMMITTEE ) [introduction] => ) [alias] => barra-olympic-park [name] => BARRA OLYMPIC PARK [location] => RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL [client] => IMG (AECOM) [tenant] => ./. [capacity] => ./. [time] => 4 YEARS/2016 [cost] => ./. [scope] => DEVELOPMENT [website] => www.rio2016.com [description] =>Specialist advise for the project architect specifically for indoor sports facilities for the 2016 Olympic Games. Facilities included aquatics centre, velodrome, tennis facilities and field hockey pitches.
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